Sunday, 26 May 2013

Player of the day for netball.

On Saturday I went to netball. I got player of the day. I got a trophy  and a certificate. I can go to McDonald's and get a free snack wrap or a cheeseburger. I think I will get a cheeseburger. We all got a Picnic, but I got two Picnics. I got player of the day because I stuck to my player and always was free to get the ball.


  1. Hi Stella
    Have you spent your McDonalds voucher yet? You did have a good game.

    from Carlia

    1. Hi Carlia

      I havent uesed my McDonalds voucher yet.

      From your friend Stella.

  2. Congratulations on getting player of the day Stella. I hope you enjoy your cheeseburger. Good luck for your game this weekend. I'll have to come and watch all the Room 2 girls play one weekend.

    From Miss Gentil

  3. Wow stella was the picnic good?Did you get the cheese burger or the raper?Do you like being player of the day.
